
Empty Mind

The five-year-old who lives upstairs likes to come down and eat fruit with me. We're buddies, she and me. I'll be posting some of our conversations because this child knows what's up.

M: Hey, B, I saw you meditating while I was cutting up the pineapple.

B: I wasn't meditating. I was doing yoga.

M: What do you think about when you do yoga?

B: I don't think about anything. I have an empty mind.

M: Will you teach me how to have an empty mind?

B: No, Mossy. You have to do it yourself. I don't know how to teach you.


ktgarvai said...

sometimes I think that kids have more insight on this whole life thing than we adults do. Where does it go?

Mossie said...

We unlearn how to pay attention. Those so-called weirdo adults, who are very childlike, have maybe managed to hold onto that insight and perceptiveness that many of us shed as we age.

Maybe being social acceptable and "normal" and keeping childlike qualities aren't mutually exclusive, but sometimes I do wonder.