
Obscenity Redux

John Tehranian, author of "Sanitizing Cyberspace" and mentioned in my first obscenity post, found this blog and provided me with a free weblink to the article. Since I'm not one to cite a bunch of law review articles here (or really anywhere for that matter), it's worth reading if you are at all interested in the legal aspects of pornography and obscenity.

And to follow up on that San Diego exhibitionist-free-speech scenario created by Steve York (aka Stevie Why), my interest got the better of me and I squandered time on Stevie Why's website, downloading the half-hour show that caused the latest uproar on UC San Diego's SRTV station. If you are really interested, you can get it here. Frankly, I wouldn't waste my time if I were you. It was rather terrible on many levels.

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