

B, the 5-year-old who lives upstairs, announced with a little hop and a big grin: This DVD is off the chain, yo.

me: What does that mean?

B: I think it means this DVD is all scratched up, yo.

me: What does "yo" mean, B?

B, exasperated: Mossssseeeeee! I think it means YO! . . . yo . . . YO . . . yo-yo-yo . . . It's like a word that you can call people. You can call people Yo, like YoMomma.

me: Hmmm. I'm not sure about that. You might not want to say "yo momma" without knowing for sure what it means.

B: I know just one more thing! The first letter is y, yuh. I'm not sure of the second letter, yo.

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