
How do I? Tell me, wiki, do!

I love wikiHow. I learned how to tell it I loved it at Say-I-Love-You. Before I loved it, we were just friends. I learned how to become its friend at Become-Friends-With-Someone-Who-Knows-You.

Of course, first I had to learn to Meet-New-People-Without-Being-Creepy. And now wikiHow tells me I have a problem and that I need to Control-a-wikiHow-Addiction.

The place slays me. The culture, the audience - it's this huge mash of humanity that is at times bizarre and touching and surprisingly insightful and always, always, good for a laugh. My faves lately:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love that "watch out for bad people" on the how to make friends wiki. DAMN, so that's been my problem! Maybe someone needs to write a wiki on how to identify bad people...

They crack me up, too. I did really like learning how to make a duck tape skirt, though...