
Dirty Eggs

me: Do the chickens push the egg out their vagina or their ass? Sometimes it seems like there is shit on the eggs when I gather them.

N: Chickens don't have vaginas or assholes. They have cloacae. It's an all-purpose hole. So yeah, there probably is some shit on the eggs, coming out of the all-purpose hole.

me: No chicken vaginas?

N: No chicken vaginas.

me: Hmm. . . How do the roosters fertilize the eggs?

N: A rooster has a cloaca too. So when a hen and a rooster mate, they rub their cloacae together for the fluid exchange. [Seriously - he used the words "fluid exchange." And my mind wandered into thoughts about rubbing holes together before realizing . . . .]

me: A rooster has an all-purpose hole too? So a cock doesn't have a cock? My mind has been blown.

Wikipedia says roosters don't have penises.
Some guy at Harv*rd says male chickens do have a small penis (buried in their all-purpose hole, I'm guessing.)
This Aussie site on chicken ("chook") breeding doesn't mention penises, just the all-purpose hole.

You know, I am not interested in the chicken-or-egg question. I AM interested in knowing how a penis came to be known as a cock if male chickens don't really have one, or if they do, it's buried in their all-purpose shit-semen-piss hole. Etymology of sex slang is fascinating. Or perhaps I just need to get some sleep.


Anonymous said...

so chickens are tribads!

I'll definitely be watching this post hoping you get some answers as now I'm intrigued...

cdsdef daksdk said...

OMG, I want to say something, but dont know what to say.

LeLo said...

I never knew this. Thank you, thank you, and thank you.