
Taken with my phone last Sunday


Jennifer said...

I will gladly go to hell for that abortion I had; just DON'T FUCK WITH MY APOSTROPHES!!!

Mossie said...

You'd gladly go to hell? Wow. Maybe you're familiar with Mormon hell? Mormon hell is friendlier than other versions of hell. When I learned how friendly Mormon hell was, I figured I didn't have to try to be good anymore, since hell was pretty easygoing. You think I'm joking?

In any case, yes, the lack of apostrophe is troubling. (And this from a stickler for apostrophes! Remember this post?)

But I do sort of figure that the space between the R and the S was meant to imply that they figured an apostrophe should go there, if they had such a mark to insert.

But seriously people, don't you think OUR LADY OF SORROWS over HAPPY MOTHER S DAY is at least marginally amusing?

T and I guffawed and pulled over immediately to grab that shot. It cracked us up.