
Dazed by Transience

Last night the beautiful Missy B was killed in a car accident. Two days ago Missy contacted me via Myspace. I hadn't spoken to her in over a year, and I was thrilled to be back in touch. She had been living in California and said she was going to Georgia to care for her godsons, who had lost their mother to cancer in November. We had arranged to see each other as she traveled across the country.

After receiving the news, I immediately called my family. Everyone who ever met Missy and were graced with her smile couldn't help but love her, and I wanted to let B and K know what had happened.

But I also wanted to be sure my family knew I loved them. Priorities shift immediately in the face of death. Especially when the life of a beautiful, open-hearted, conscious sister is snuffed so unexpectedly.

May the kindness and gentleness and integrity that Missy embodied continue to grow as her spirit expands beyond the confines of her flesh.
. . .

1 comment:

Trista said...

Oh M, I am so sorry for your loss.