My mom was a substitute teacher in public schools. Thankless job, that. I had more than one fistfight over it, since kids can be so incredibly rude to sub teachers, and you know, I might be a bitch to my mom, but I'll be damned if someone else is rude to her. Harumph.
For all the tribulations of her time as a substitute teacher, my mom says very little, except: "There is nothing so unpleasant as an eighth grade girl."Setting aside her likely internalized misogyny, I have to say that I agree. When I was an eighth-grade girl, I was horrible. Horrible. So I was amused to find that my blog's readability requires a junior high education. Maybe if I didn't purposefully misspell words or use incorrect grammar or cuss, I'd rise to the level of high school. But fuck that. Junior high it is.
Mine is High School apparently.
Anyways, pass this note to Brandon. He is soooooooo cute! And are you going to the dance? giggle giggle
Happy NaBloPoMo! I found you through the Randomizer.
Hi! Your site came up on the NaBloPoMo randomizer for the 7 Weird/Random Things About Me meme. You can read about it on my post at
Um, Chris? I think you might have me confused with someone else. I don't know a Brandon ...
But happy day to you anyway!
It was joke. You know, all 8th grade usually have a Brandon. But if I have to explain it, I guess it isn't that funny.
But have a happy NaBloPoMo anyway.
Doh. I am so earnest that even a clever play on the junior high theme was way over my head. blink.
Thanks for bringing light to the humor-impaired! :-)
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