Chicory sent me a message today asking if I was cheating on
NaBloPoMo. I giggled (via email) and answered affirmatively. Caught! I joined the post-everyday-in-November club a couple days ago, and I unleashed some stuff that was saved as drafts and changed the dates to protect the innocent. Oh wait. I mean I changed the dates because I like order (ahem. except when I
don't like order . . .). Ommmmm.
So there it is. My confession. AND a promise: I will post every day from here on out. The back-posting was just because I joined late! Am I naughty? Oh yes. Yes I am. Naughty notty notteeeee. I'll take my punishment later, thankyouverymuch.
And here's an image that makes me smile. The beautiful B in her famous Mexican wrestling mask. Roar!
Tee Hee! I just joined myself today, but figured I'd just start late.... and tagged already! Love the goaty-wrestley-libre mask@
I joined a few days ago, and am just content to "miss the boat" when it comes to the earlier posts ... besides, I don't know how to backdate posts ... perhaps someone could teach me! LOL! Enjoyed my visit here. Tagged already?! Good for you!
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