
Blogs & Family

Two more conversations with the 5-year-old who lives upstairs:

me, giving her a hug hello: I wrote about you in my blog yesterday.

B: What's a blog?

me: It's a complete and utter waste of my time.

B: I don't know for sure about this, and I might be wrong, but you know what I think?

me: What do you think?

B: I think that if someone moves into your house, that means they are your family.

me: Like me?

B: Yes! My family has grown! It used to be 3 people: my mom, my brother and me, after my dad died. Then it was 4 when mommy met N. Living with you makes it 5! And when T gets here, it will be 6! Our growing family!

me: I love being in your family, B.

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