
Festival 30 Kick-Off

Although initially fraught with frustration and delays, the trip to Mystic Hot Springs ended up being a wonderful adventure. Soaking in warm water, celebrating Vernal Equinox, and seeing Kan'Nal in an intimate venue with eighty people was the perfect way to start the celebration week for my 30th and K's 27th birthdays.

J, O, and B drove down and soaked with us Sunday, Equinox-eve.

The Mysterious B ("When I was in Colorado I was George") is taking this photo.

Vernal Equinox Morn.

Aries grrl before the show, age 29.99178 .

The next morning, age 29.99452.

Rub dub dub.

1 comment:

Trista said...

oh, those are such great pictures! You look so happy.