
Balmy Winter Days

The first day of winter where I live is warmer than it's been for weeks. Or so it seems. I'm not checking the numbers, just going off my perception.

Solstice was yesterday and celebrating that day feels intensely satisfying. I feel very human, recognizing that for thousands and thousands of years, humans have acknowledged and celebrated the rebirth of light. And now the rest of the holiday season, all the obligations and events, they just . . . happen. I participate, I play whatever role I've agreed to play that year, I give gifts, I open gifts, I drive around a lot, pose for pictures, avoid picture-taking, smile, chit-chat, blah blah. And it's easy. Because I've already celebrated the most important holyday for me. And that makes for a consistently low-stress holiday time.

At least that's what I tell myself.

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