Our friend M gave K a big bag of clothes that was destined for the thrift store if K didn't want them. It's always fun going through a secondhand bag of clothes. It's fascinating what one can learn about someone by looking at their castoffs. I'm unsure where M acquired one particular item.
In this bag K found a real lamb jacket.

It felt weird. Really weird. Very soft and a lot like our dog Cassie's fur.
The dogs were horrified. If you dont' remember what the dogs look like,
here's Cassie and
here's Aki. Unfortunately, I don't have a photo of them looking horrified. But they both slowly backed away from K and wouldn't look at her. They were clearly disgusted.
However. Animal reactions to the hide of another dead animal being brought into the household are not uniform.

Buddy, our sadly obese orange tabby cat (seen above all junked out on catnip and a good five pounds lighter than he is now), just about came all over himself with excitement. Okay, not really. He's fixed and doesn't do that anymore. But he was very excited. He snuggled right up into the lamb jacket and took a nice long nap.
If you ask me, that's pretty f*cking confident of him. Who's to say he wouldn't be next? After all, he has very soft fur. It would make a really warm little bustier for those chilly winter nights. But Buddy knows he's got us wrapped around his fat little paw. He's too good of a snuggler and too warm of a heating pad. Damn him.