
DP: Due Process, Death Penalty, or Something Else?

Given the fact that my brain has been reduced to mush, it's not surprising that some of the things my brain lapses on are rather . . . unusual.

Like the number of things that DP could stand for. In my Con Law notes it's Due Process. In Crim Law it's Death Penalty. Porn-watchers may think of something else it could be.

In any case, today I picked up a two-day-old paper and saw this opinion column written by Leonard Pitts with the Miami Herald. Being the anemic-from-bloodloss leftie that I am, I liked the message, sure. But as one who appreciates smooth writing and the power of rhetoric, I thought he did a good job of laying it out. Because the bottom line is that if you don't have breathy love for state-sanctioned-murder, to those who do, you're just a goddamn hippie anyway. Or maybe that's just me that's the goddamn hippie. *shrug*

1 comment:

Trista said...

I'm curious, what would porn watchers think it could be?