Apparently this blogging thing is what people do. I didn't realize, but I live a rather limited existence, so I shouldn't be surprised I didn't know. Chicory over at An Accident of Hope inspired me, so perhaps you can blame her when this all goes awry.
I figure since I don't journal for myself, in the privacy of my own bedside book, maybe I'll journal with some sort of narcissistic fantasy that someone else is reading my blather.
Besides, blogging seems like a great way to avoid the ever-present piles of work I should constantly be doing. Procrastination is my icon.
I programmed my cell phone to be a pretty little picture of water with the word "Breathe" appearing above the time and date. Yes, indeedy, my little attempt to remind myself that breathing is necessary, and my typical hyperventilation probably isn't serving my whole self. I usually only see it when I'm frantically trying to find out what time it is, though, and I often ignore that little reminder. *shrug* Nevertheless, it seemed like a good thing to continue reminding myself, hence the name of this blog.